The following review falls in that category. This was a figure that in the box, the photos and the features it screamed "Buy Me!" Now the previous price points even while on sale never fully tempted me to pull the trigger then it happened, the jolliest of seasons....Christmas!
I voyage to a little (OK little does not do it justice) overstock toy fair in town. I came across a toy that on size alone intrigued me, the contents of the package drew me in and the shiny lights hooked me. I saw the price tag of $20 and I was sold or should I say it was sold. I present to you the crossover mishap of when Anakin takes Arcee out for a date and she demands to be Force Choked.....I give you Darth Vader/Star Destroyer or Anakin Skywalker/Republic Attack Cruiser!
Where do I begin? This toy is big and looks very impressive in the box. Displayed in the Darth
Vader robot mode with an open window to hear what Vader has to say. That's right Ladies and Gentleman, Vader talks, Nooooooooooo! Well thankfully no whiny screams, but I will get to that shortly. When I opened the large box from the bottom, parts began to spill out, large panels, small panels, light sabres and what I think are missiles.
One of those panels is the bridge section to the Star Destroyer. This piece needs to be clipped on a large peg behind the head of the figure. That peg both holds the panel and adds to the back kibble making the overall figure extremely top heavy and once placed you will never be able to stand the figure upright without it leaning against something Even with the legs the way they are depicted on the box, it will never stand under its own weight or not for very long.
What mode shall I start with? Why not start with the evil of the Empire, Darth Vader. I understand
that this is a crossover toy, meaning that there needs to be compromises to show both properties within the Transformers and Star Wars universes. Now keeping that in mind I believe they did an admiral job with Vader, as there is enough glossy black to offset the battleship grey but that is where it all ends.
Let's begin with the back pack. It is bad enough with the overly large back piece even attempting to have this figure stand on its own, but the designers in their infinite wisdom ADD to it! The two towering spikes just behind Vader's shoulders bring this to a figure that can challenge Metroplex for tallest Transformer. I do like the fact that the inside of the two pylons are painted red and black, but makes you wish they also did that with the underside of the cruiser deck to add to the look of a cape or cloak, (if I am so inclined one day, I may paint that piece) The two pylons are only held on by two tiny tabs that slot into ill fitting holes making it almost impossible for them to stay in place for any length of time. Like everything on this figure iy will be a running theme, the design is there but the execution and overall fit and finish is not.
Onto the head mould, they added what appears to be a more sinister look to the helmet with the slightly slanted eyes and raised brows yet it still looks like Vader, well sort of. I have no idea what possessed the designers to add the Empire symbol to the forehead? I know this is a Transformer too, and faction symbols have always been a part of that, but we have 2 on the shoulder pads, no need for a third!
Now you move onto the iconic Light Sabre...but wait what have they done here....a flaming sword? OK that does it! Out of all the things to change, miss the mark on or just royally ignore and that is Vader's light sabre! Yes the colour is right, and believe it or not they even got the handle right, but that is it. The figure comes with 2 blue light sabres, why could they not have included one normal red sabre is beyond me. I might look later into kitbashing one of the blue sabre's onto the hilt of Vader's and repainting it, but for now I shake my virtual fist at thee.
Transformation between Vader to Anakin is simple, but there is a neat little trick they did to make it enjoyable. First if they haven't already fallen out, remove the shoulder pylons. Take the legs and collapse them at the knees and now the fun part. Separate the chest from the waist and flip down a panel on the chest. Now that it is free to rotate, well after you left the large backpack up a bit, you turn the chest piece, Vader's helmet splits in two in order to reveal Anakin's head. As you spin, a mix of a Transformer and Star Drive sound plays, which is a nice little touch in what is becoming a toy with multiple design flaws. Next lift up a couple of flaps on the backpack and that is all that is required to bring Anakin back from the Dark Side.
As you can see other than a new mid piece and head, there is nothing new to report. You can combine the two shoulder pylons to make a shield in which can be "held" via a peg on the forearm of the figure, and use one of the two blue light sabre's to complete the look. Even in this mode painting the underside of the cruiser black would help in bringing this figure together. I feel that would convey the cloak Anakin has been known to wear in both the movies and animated series quite nicely. The figure does stands slightly better this way, as the added weight to the front and the rear cape piece used as a stand, but yet it is still top heavy and will fall over easily.
The head sculpt is different. They did include the scar over the right eye, but it looks like they were trying to go with a Hot Rod look with the face. Going from a future Prime to the face of Evil is missing the mark by a mile, but again two different properties and two different universes some liberties are need to be taken.

As I mentioned, in order to hold the shield you need to attach it to a peg on the forearm. It is a good thing that the shield is a huge and hollow piece. You need to twist the arm at one of the few points of articulation in order for Anakin to hold it, and in doing so it looks like he broke his arm.
In both these modes there are lights and sounds. Now of course in Vader mode the lights in the chest and head are Red and in Anakin mode they are Blue. Pressing the grey button located in a very inappropriate place activates the speech and light features.
While in Darth Vader mode:
- Impressive, most impressive.
- The force is strong with you.
- Release your anger and complete your Transformation
- I find your lack of faith disturbing.
- If he could be Transformed he'd be a powerful ally.
- Join me on the Dark Side.
- Lightsabre sounds
- Breathing sounds
While in Anakin Skywalker mode:
- We got em right where we want em.
- You're no match for a Jedi Master
- The Sith will never Transform me
- Lightsabre sounds
Now there are even sounds for when you switch from Anakin to Vader.
Anakin to Vader:
I had to highlight the little tip of the hat to The Transformers. Now as everyone knows in the Transformers Universe you have a Robot Mode and you have an Alt Mode. Time to investigate the two Alt Modes.
Since I started with the evil of the Empire, Darth Vader, it is time to look closer to the Empire's Destroyer. What you see is not really a Star Destroyer but a Chicago
Deep Dish pizza with a bridge. The dimensions are way off and there was
not even an attempt to taper the bow section of the ship. Here is where
the majority of the parts forming comes into play. You may recognize the
bow pieces as Star Anakin's "shield" It clips into small pegs on the cape section and surprising quitewell. There are no paint apps in this mode but I do not recall anything but Battleship Grey in the original movies.
There are a couple of items that I find at fault in this
mode, the first being that is not a stand the Star Destroyer is on. It is actually the bridge section to the Republic Cruiser. The second is the overall fit and finish of the panels. I have mentions the bow section fits in just right, but the port and starboard panels do not fit in as well. There are a total of two pegs and one slot that connect them into the rest of the figure, the top peg and the slot fit fine but the bottom peg does not slide in easily and pops out.
So by now you can imagine the transformation between the two space ship modes is easy. It just requires you to flip the vessel over. You would be partially correct, but thankfully to does involve removing those troublesome side panels. Now before I move on, I would like to show you what this figure looks like when you are not partsforming. With the bow, port and starboard sections removed you can see that the actual transformation to vehicle mode is quite easy. All that is required is to turn the legs on their sides and peg them together and into the cape of the backpack. The arms are twisted so the peg I showed earlier clips into the side of the body with a slight bend at the elbow. Now making sure your robot mode is in the Anakin Skywalker mode, you now have the necessary clearance required to bring up, rotate and flip down the Destroyer bridge section. Vader's helmet is just in the way for that step. As you can see, when people complain about partsforming, I will always hold this figure up against them, any time and any where because without those panels this figure is well, a sleeping Vader.
On to the Republic Attack Cruiser and flip, well only after you remove the two side panels. Now this side has some good paint applications, with the maroon stripe down the centre and what appears to be the bridge section as well all the rear tips. There is also a Republic logo on both sides of the hull. Now in the movies, the cruiser had less of a tapered bow, but of course this mode still has the deep dish pizza look, as well it balances on the bridge once again.
As you may have guessed this mode has some flaws, most notably the open sides exposing the arms of the robot mode. You would think a partsformer like this would have had a couple of additional panels to cover up those sections, and of course those same pieces would form some sort of weapon on shield, but no.
You might be wondering where those side panels disappeared to (or not, but I will show and tell you anyways) The bridge section for the cruiser flips up to revel another panel that you flip out and pop out a couple of side pieces. You take the two thruster panels that you slightly flipped up on Anakin's robot mode and place them just on the inside of the panel you flipped down from the bridge section.
On those panels there is a small peg hole that the former side panels
clip into and slide into the open area where the thrusters once sat. Actually this is a surprising use of toy engineering and all the pieces fit very securely together. Now this mode does suffer from having the bridge section of the Star Destroyer laying flat to the back looking like an interstellar trailer hitch, there is no way to hide that piece or even attempt to.
On what appears to be the bridge of the cruiser, you can pop out the spring loaded missiles and replace them with the two blue light sabres to simulate laser blasts.Correct me if I'm wrong but where they not red?
The lights and sounds continue even in the alt mode, all depending on which button you press, but first you need to tell the electronics what mode you are currently in. When you flip the bridge section of the Cruiser and the rear engine panel you will see a toggle switch. The number II position is for Robot Mode and number I position for the Alt Mode sounds. At least the buttons to activate the sounds and lights are in a less uncomfortable place, but depending if you have the Star Destroyer up or the Attack Cruiser, the available buttons activate different sounds.
Attack Cruiser Mode (in quotes said by Anakin Skywalker):
But wait there's more....Partsforming! The two side panel/thruster packs combine together, and with those blue Light Sabres make a weapon for Vader. It clips onto the forearm in the same fashion as Anakin's shield and gives the Asthmatic Leader a duel cannon blaster, a weapon that he would never use to begin with in either universe.
Well there is not much more I can add. If you have not gotten that impression already minus a few good points I have not been moved by this toy. Was it worth the $20 I spent? Perhaps, I thought this review would allow more playtime with this toy and I would find more that I would enjoy, yet sadly that is not the case. With its awkward ill fitting panels, inability to stand on its own and the lack of articulation that has not been seen since the days of G2 Transformers. I shall be placing Darth Vader with his flaming sword and large backpack, minus the pylons and blaster shield back on my shelf. While he stands with his gangster lean in the hopes that someone out there may want a closer look next time.
Where do I begin? This toy is big and looks very impressive in the box. Displayed in the Darth

One of those panels is the bridge section to the Star Destroyer. This piece needs to be clipped on a large peg behind the head of the figure. That peg both holds the panel and adds to the back kibble making the overall figure extremely top heavy and once placed you will never be able to stand the figure upright without it leaning against something Even with the legs the way they are depicted on the box, it will never stand under its own weight or not for very long.
What mode shall I start with? Why not start with the evil of the Empire, Darth Vader. I understand
that this is a crossover toy, meaning that there needs to be compromises to show both properties within the Transformers and Star Wars universes. Now keeping that in mind I believe they did an admiral job with Vader, as there is enough glossy black to offset the battleship grey but that is where it all ends.
Let's begin with the back pack. It is bad enough with the overly large back piece even attempting to have this figure stand on its own, but the designers in their infinite wisdom ADD to it! The two towering spikes just behind Vader's shoulders bring this to a figure that can challenge Metroplex for tallest Transformer. I do like the fact that the inside of the two pylons are painted red and black, but makes you wish they also did that with the underside of the cruiser deck to add to the look of a cape or cloak, (if I am so inclined one day, I may paint that piece) The two pylons are only held on by two tiny tabs that slot into ill fitting holes making it almost impossible for them to stay in place for any length of time. Like everything on this figure iy will be a running theme, the design is there but the execution and overall fit and finish is not.
Onto the head mould, they added what appears to be a more sinister look to the helmet with the slightly slanted eyes and raised brows yet it still looks like Vader, well sort of. I have no idea what possessed the designers to add the Empire symbol to the forehead? I know this is a Transformer too, and faction symbols have always been a part of that, but we have 2 on the shoulder pads, no need for a third!
The head sculpt is different. They did include the scar over the right eye, but it looks like they were trying to go with a Hot Rod look with the face. Going from a future Prime to the face of Evil is missing the mark by a mile, but again two different properties and two different universes some liberties are need to be taken.
As I mentioned, in order to hold the shield you need to attach it to a peg on the forearm. It is a good thing that the shield is a huge and hollow piece. You need to twist the arm at one of the few points of articulation in order for Anakin to hold it, and in doing so it looks like he broke his arm.
In both these modes there are lights and sounds. Now of course in Vader mode the lights in the chest and head are Red and in Anakin mode they are Blue. Pressing the grey button located in a very inappropriate place activates the speech and light features.
While in Darth Vader mode:
- Impressive, most impressive.
- The force is strong with you.
- Release your anger and complete your Transformation
- I find your lack of faith disturbing.
- If he could be Transformed he'd be a powerful ally.
- Join me on the Dark Side.
- Lightsabre sounds
- Breathing sounds
While in Anakin Skywalker mode:
- We got em right where we want em.
- You're no match for a Jedi Master
- The Sith will never Transform me
- Lightsabre sounds
Now there are even sounds for when you switch from Anakin to Vader.
Anakin to Vader:
- The Transformation is now complete
- What is thy bidding my Master?
Vader to Anakin:
- Anakin Skywalker Jedi Knight
- Anakin Skywalker at your service
I had to highlight the little tip of the hat to The Transformers. Now as everyone knows in the Transformers Universe you have a Robot Mode and you have an Alt Mode. Time to investigate the two Alt Modes.
So by now you can imagine the transformation between the two space ship modes is easy. It just requires you to flip the vessel over. You would be partially correct, but thankfully to does involve removing those troublesome side panels. Now before I move on, I would like to show you what this figure looks like when you are not partsforming. With the bow, port and starboard sections removed you can see that the actual transformation to vehicle mode is quite easy. All that is required is to turn the legs on their sides and peg them together and into the cape of the backpack. The arms are twisted so the peg I showed earlier clips into the side of the body with a slight bend at the elbow. Now making sure your robot mode is in the Anakin Skywalker mode, you now have the necessary clearance required to bring up, rotate and flip down the Destroyer bridge section. Vader's helmet is just in the way for that step. As you can see, when people complain about partsforming, I will always hold this figure up against them, any time and any where because without those panels this figure is well, a sleeping Vader.
On to the Republic Attack Cruiser and flip, well only after you remove the two side panels. Now this side has some good paint applications, with the maroon stripe down the centre and what appears to be the bridge section as well all the rear tips. There is also a Republic logo on both sides of the hull. Now in the movies, the cruiser had less of a tapered bow, but of course this mode still has the deep dish pizza look, as well it balances on the bridge once again.
You might be wondering where those side panels disappeared to (or not, but I will show and tell you anyways) The bridge section for the cruiser flips up to revel another panel that you flip out and pop out a couple of side pieces. You take the two thruster panels that you slightly flipped up on Anakin's robot mode and place them just on the inside of the panel you flipped down from the bridge section.
On those panels there is a small peg hole that the former side panels
On what appears to be the bridge of the cruiser, you can pop out the spring loaded missiles and replace them with the two blue light sabres to simulate laser blasts.Correct me if I'm wrong but where they not red?
The lights and sounds continue even in the alt mode, all depending on which button you press, but first you need to tell the electronics what mode you are currently in. When you flip the bridge section of the Cruiser and the rear engine panel you will see a toggle switch. The number II position is for Robot Mode and number I position for the Alt Mode sounds. At least the buttons to activate the sounds and lights are in a less uncomfortable place, but depending if you have the Star Destroyer up or the Attack Cruiser, the available buttons activate different sounds.
Star Destroyer Mode (in quotes said by Darth Vader):
- Blasters
- "You may fire when ready."
Attack Cruiser Mode (in quotes said by Anakin Skywalker):
- Flying Noises
- Blasters
- "We've got em right where we want em."
- "Locked on Transform."
- "Stay on Target."
- "Engine thrusters full power"
Well there is not much more I can add. If you have not gotten that impression already minus a few good points I have not been moved by this toy. Was it worth the $20 I spent? Perhaps, I thought this review would allow more playtime with this toy and I would find more that I would enjoy, yet sadly that is not the case. With its awkward ill fitting panels, inability to stand on its own and the lack of articulation that has not been seen since the days of G2 Transformers. I shall be placing Darth Vader with his flaming sword and large backpack, minus the pylons and blaster shield back on my shelf. While he stands with his gangster lean in the hopes that someone out there may want a closer look next time.
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*EDIT* Well apparently I had Vader slightly mistransformed. Now in my defence the instructions are not all that clear, and messing with a top heavy toy's legs is the last thing I want to do but you can see from this updated photo, the backs on the robot thighs are black. By placing the figure into a Jean-Claude Van Damme leg split, you can rotate the brown thigh around at the hip and turn those to the dark side (sorry for the bad pun) Also in this photo you can now have a better look at the very unfortunate placement of the activation button for both the Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker modes.
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*EDIT* Well apparently I had Vader slightly mistransformed. Now in my defence the instructions are not all that clear, and messing with a top heavy toy's legs is the last thing I want to do but you can see from this updated photo, the backs on the robot thighs are black. By placing the figure into a Jean-Claude Van Damme leg split, you can rotate the brown thigh around at the hip and turn those to the dark side (sorry for the bad pun) Also in this photo you can now have a better look at the very unfortunate placement of the activation button for both the Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker modes.
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