Now I do not have the complete set (as of yet) but 4 out of 8 is not that bad. I found these figures at my local comic book shop, Heroes Comics and it was the package that instantly drew me to them. They are packaged in a simple box with graphics that channel the original G1 toys that these Super Deformed (SD) are inspired by. Red and Black with a grid, classic fonts and artwork depicting one of 8 possible figures inside.
Inside each box there is a foil bag making this a complete mystery on which figure you will receive. In the complete series you have Optimus Prime, Megatron, Bumblebee and Starscream and the in addition to the four have. Soundwave, Jazz, Thundercracker and Grimlock.
Each figure comes with a weapon, in the case for Jazz has a very simplic representation of his G1 toy gun. Thundercracker it appears they didn't even try on his weapon, but the addition of the wings is a nice touch. Now be careful with those wings as they are attached to the back via two small pegs. Take your time attaching them, even though the material they used is not cheap, they can bend easily and from my experience if it bends too much it may break.
Now we come to the stars of the show in regards to weapons. Soundwave has his iconic cannon that can be held in his hands, sadly there is no mounting point for an additional shoulder cannon, as there is just no room beside the larger head. Grimlock surprised me the most. Not only does his come packed with his double barrelled gun, he also comes with his sword. I dare you call him a bozo now.

The quality of these still impress me. They are hollow vinyl but they don't feel like a dog's chew toy and surprisingly there are articulation points! The head and waist swivel, now show me a dog's toy that does that. The arms could move a full 360, but the large heads on these figures prevent that as well there is an upper arm swivel that makes holding the weapons easier.

With Series 2 right around the corner, I honestly cannot wait. The completionist in me would like to complete the Series 1 set but there are a few gems in Series 2 that I would rather have over yet another Bumblebee. The new release should include Shockwave, Dirge, Ramjet, Thrust, Prowl, Mirage. There also appears to be a Optimus Prime with an Energy Axe, a new Grimlock with T-Rex Arms and Dino head on his back and he appears to be joined by Snarl and Slag (or Slug or Snarl, oh wait they have a Snarl) Sideswipe, Sharpnel and possibly Skywarp.
Now this information is purely based on photos I have seen from the latest round of Toy Shows, so we all know that the details are subject to change. If there is only a small chance some of the above mentioned bots are released, in my opinion with the quality and surprises of Series 1, Series 2 will be the one to get.
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